WPA Consultants Ltd
Shears Building, Stone Lane Industrial Estate, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1HD
Tel: 01202 973020
1. Working for Local Authorities
WPA is currently working with a number of Local Authorities in connection with their statutory duties under Part 2A and has prepared / updated Contaminated Land Inspection Strategies for a number of key authorities.
WPA continues to be actively involved with Part 2A.
We have produced 'Landscan', 'QuickScan' and legal documentation specifically for Part 2A to assist the collation and categorisation of information relating to potentially contaminated land sites in a quick, efficient manner. Legal documentation for enforcement procedures has been produced following consultation with our clients' legal representatives.
We understand the issues and problems facing EHO's and TO's in respect to contaminated land, Part2A and the planning regime.
2. Working for Developers, Planning Professionals & their Clients
Environmental Reporting Services
WPA provides a range of data reports with interpretation for use by solicitors, conveyancing firms, estate agents, building societies, banks and private individuals. They also form the basis, together with other searches and site reconnaissance action for informing desktop studies relating to Phase 1 site investigation described in the UK Government guidance document CLR11, Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination.
3. Risk Assessment and Site Investigation
Risk Assessment follows a tiered approach aimed at determining a point at which a clear decision can be made as to land use options using a protocol that considers contaminant linkages (source-pathway-receptor scenarios) in a site specific conceptual model.
WPA provides risk assessment in the areas of human health, risks to controlled waters and risks from ground-gases such as methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, and volatile organic compounds. Generic assessment criteria have been sourced to match UK technical guidance and site specific assessment criteria are generated using approved computer modelling techniques.
An invasive site investigation is part of the phased approach to considering land contamination described in the UK Government guidance document CLR11, Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination. It is informed by the phase one desktop investigation and involves the sampling of soils, water and ground-gas in a targeted manner taking account of the Geology, Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Topography, ground cover, land-uses and pollution events the site has experienced over recorded time.
WPA provides a complete service that includes the use of Geo-physics where appropriate, trial pitting and borehole installation with window sampling, groundwater sampling and monitoring for bulk gases and/or trace gases as necessary. Geotechnical investigation can also be provided by WPA to inform decisions concerning land stability and foundation design.
4. Remediation
Risk assessment may identify potential and/or actual risks as requiring some form of mitigation to either manage or break the contaminant linkages of concern. A remediation scheme, or strategic approach to such mitigation, can be designed by WPA who have extensive in-house expertise. The challenge is to manage the issues without unnecessary recourse to digging out the contamination and transferring the problem to a landfill site.
WPA works with several innovative technologies deployed by a panel of approved contractors. We also provide a verification service to assist in the finalising of documentary material as evidence that contamination on a site has been appropriately dealt with - so that the site can be considered suitable for a particular use.